Friday 19 October 2012

The waiting game.

ADOS assessment.

So Evie did the 2nd module from what I could work out today, (For more info see previous blog). Well Evie behaved typically Evie for how she can be with people she doesn't know without me being able to interact with her. I will try to explain how it went.

We went in the room and Evie was supposed to sit at the table with the Speech and Language Therapist (SALT) however she was reluctant so stood by me. The SALT asked what Evie liked to play with at home and I explained she liked playing with fiddly things at home and leaves snail trails of stuff everywhere. I said she likes small world people and likes to put them in and out of cars and things. The SALT then tried to encourage her to the table she wouldn't so she got out the bubbles. Evie then had to ask for big bubbles for one bubble or small bubbles for lots of bubbles this was then repeated. After a while the balloon was brought out but the SALT stood up, Evie was asked if she wanted it big or small and it was let go. She was shown some baby type musical toys - Evie ignored the lady.

Evie was then encouraged to the table with me next to her then she was asked about her birthday which was only a couple of weeks ago. Evie wasn't very forth coming with what she said and kept having to be asked questions where as she would speak lots more if it was someone she knows asking. A puzzle was then brought out - Evie said she 'didn't want to' do it. The SALT ended up doing it.

A tea party with a doll was also tried to be modelled again Evie kept saying 'you do it' when asked to do something by the SALT. She said she 'didn't want to' a few times during this too. The one thing she did do spontaneously was count the candles '1,2,3,4'.

Next the SALT then directed Evies gaze to something away from her Evie looked and the other observer made the rabbit hop. After that she was asked if she wanted to look at a book the reply ' I don't want to' was heard yet again. Some smaller toys were brought out some small people sofa tv table etc and fire engine, cup and ball, dog, screw driver in a bag. Evie wasn't interested in any of these really. The SALT was modelling things whilst talking asking some questions Evie kept trying to put the sofa cushion straight. She didn't play with them. She interacted when the dog was knocking the ball but she was supposed to use a person to knock it back but wouldn't only she would. Again during this everything was 'you do it'.

She was then shown a picture of a pinic it was a cartoon type and very detailed. she wasn't interested. The lady asked what she could see, Evie didn't answer. The SALT pointed out a cat she asked what Evie saw and she pointed to a cat. The SALT then pointed to a house and asked what it was Evie said she didn't 'want to do this anymore'.

She was then asked about another book and you guessed it she 'didn't want to'. The SALT then tried to offer her a choice out of 2 books then answer was the same. SIGH!

All that was left was for a snack she was offered a drink or snack she said 'snack'. She then got to choose between banana and biscuits and of course who would turn down chocolate chip biscuits!!! They were the minis and 4 were put out and she was asked how many she would like she replied straight away '4'. The SALT then said would have to ask me I said that was fine and they were only small. Now I look back I am wondering if that was deliberate to get me to only say less to see if she would kick off? I don't know. After  they said she could go but she remained sat down looking at the drink. She was offered the water and stayed till she drank it all. I had to get her to say bye at the end.

On the way out I was asked if I expected her to be like that my answer.... quite frankly yes!


 The above picture just about sums Evie up entirely - her way or the highway as we say at home!          

Waiting game.

Now it's a waiting game. Waiting for Evie's next appointment which we will either get or not get an appointment. My biopsy results from my endoscopy. Waiting for my name to come up on the Fibro group list - have been told Jan. Waiting for confirmation of another group starting in my area for management of long term conditions. Waiting for my next Rheumy appointment. Waiting for my ultrasound scan on my pelvis. I am probably waiting on something else but I can't remember my mind seems to think there is something though. It's always all about the waiting - you start to learn a bit more patience, which is very hard when you are an inpatient person by nature!



It's 5.03 am in the morning here and I haven't fallen asleep yet probably as I haven't taken my night time amitriptiline as I have an early start tomorrow and have to be out the house at 6.45 am and anyone who takes ami would know that time is almost impossible on ami let alone if you didn't take it early enough. I have found it's best to take it 10-12 hours before you need to be awake. I went round to a lovely friends tonight just down the road and ended up getting chatting and time ran away and before we knew it - it was 10pm! OOOPPPS!


The house of lurgy.

Well as you gathered Evie is now better it was just that one awful night of it we had. Lillie wasn't at school today as she woke up feeling very poorly and run down and couldn't get herself moving. Lillie spent today resting watching tv and playing her ds.

It's hard having them both off school and nursery and especially at the same time as it just wears you out. With Fibro you need to rest and having them out at school and nursery means you get some much needed time to rest and try and get some sleep or just take things slowly. I really need no illness next week as the house looks like a bomb has gone off, the washing pile is sky high thanks to Evie's sick episodes creating extra washing and I need to pack for holiday!!


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